That's the way I like it.
HCG = 648.
Yeahhhhhh baby. No more blood work for me!
My first u/s is sometime next week. Early next week. When Aaron is out of town. I may need to recruit someone to come with me... as this is the same timeline last time where they found the ectopic.
But for now? Ridiculously happy. Finally.
In other good news....I'm allowed to stop my PIO shots tomorrow. As of last week, they started causing hard, red itchy spots. When I asked the nurse about it - she said that they usually have people stop the PIO and move to suppositories after the 3rd beta... so I'll do that!
Wow, even better than 538. Congrats!!!
HIP HIP HOORAY! July 28th here we come!!!!
Excellent! And how lucky are you to stop the PIO shots! I did them for TEN weeks!
Hi! Yay! Oh and I can go with you on Monday if you like. I don't work Mondays. I could see if there's a cancellation and get my breasts squished while I'm there!
Horray!! Awesome news!
Wow, wow, wow!!! Congratulations!!!
Pessaries, darling, pessaries. I must insist on not using the up-the-bum term for up-the-vayjayjay meds ;)
Awesome beta, Cece, I'm so pleased for you...xx
Congratulations again! I'm so happy to hear this.
Congrats!! I'm so excited for you! (and another congrats on getting to stop the PIO shots)
Woohoo girl!! I am excited for you.
Yay!!! Congrats!
A good third beta and being able to stop the PIO - that is the place to be!
I am so happy for you. I hope everything else goes as well.
That's terrific!!!!! I'm thrilled for both of you!
Awesome! And a word of warning. This probably won't happen, but in case it does, sometimes progesterone pessaries really irritate the cervix and make you bleed. It's scary as all hell and because you'll be on it for only a few weeks it's likely NOT to happen, but I wanted you to know just on the off chance.
Not only am I singing with you, I'm also doing the happy dance!
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