My HCG is up to 507! 48 hour doubling would have been 394. So no more blood draws for me! Next Wednesday I'll probably be going in for my first u/s.
I may not sound super excited, and that's because yesterday I had a fever of 101.7... and continue to feel like crap today. The worst part is that I also have a cough that is brutal - a hard racking cough that hurts my chest. Of course, I didn't take any drugs until I got the sign off from my nurse... and the things I'm allowed to take (Robitussin - cough only, Benadryl - not the kind with antihistamines, and Tylenol for the fever.). I've been in bed since 4 PM yesterday - only getting out to have Aaron drive me in for the blood work.
Heavy Sigh.
In the "pregnant vs. sick" debate going on in your head, you didn't ever think you could be pregnant AND sick, did you?
At least the sick part will go away...and the pregnant part will last a good long time, I hope!
CECE I am new to the blog world but have lurked and followed your story for some time. I wanted to say first and foremost CONGRATS. Your beta is awesome. I know being sick is hard on your mental and physical state but beta numbers don't lie, you are Pregnant.
I'm delurking to say congrats! If it makes you feel better I found out I was pregnant a month ago, and two days after finding out I spiked a 102 fever. Turns out it was pneumonia and yes it was miserable not being able to take much for it. I hope this passes quickly for you, and that everything continues to go well with this pregnancy. Congrats!
I hope you start feeling better real soon. I am so glad your numbers are where they need to be. Congratulations!!!
Bummer about being sick but a big YEAH for those numbers!!!
Hope you feel better soon
I hope you feel better! Make sure you stay on Tylenol to keep that fever down...over 102 is bad for the baby.
I'm so jealous that you get to have an ultrasound so soon, I have to wait 2 more weeks!!
OMG!!!! I go away for a few days and I come back to this wonderful news! I am so so so happy for you both!!!
Hey, I less than 3ed you on my blog!
Urk- sorry your sick.
But thrilled at the beta and doubling time!
SO pleased for you, Cece,
Just wanted to let you know that I am rooting for you. May those betas continue to rise with the best of them!
And I hope you feel better soon.
Sorry you are sick but what awesome #'s you got. Try to take it easy and rest.
Great BETA Cece! Congrats!
YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! YIPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEE! Wonderful numbers! Sorry about the cold. That sounds horrific.
Great on the beta numbers! So sorry you're sick though. Hope it moves on quickly.
Congrats on the beta!!! I sure hope you start feeling better soon though.
Congratulations! I hope you can rest and hydrate over the weekend....
congrats, cece! and feel better soon. wish i lived closer so i could bring you some soup.
Get lots of rest to help you get better...tylenol should help with that fever - take it every 4 hours if you have to for that fever to break!
Those are awesome numbers! I'm so happy to read that! I'll be looking forward to reading your U/S results.
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