Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I'm feeling pretty great about everything. Sunday night, I was so tired I could barely function. I got pretty excited - thinking that fatigue was an early pregnancy sign. But then I woke up on Monday, and was coughing - so I was wondering if the tiredness was due to being sick, and not being pregnant. I was also feeling cramps in my lower abdomen - but there is an illness going around my workplace that starts with a cold, and then moves onto stomach issues.

When I got up on Tuesday morning, I was still pretty sure I was pregnant. But now I had the doubts that instead of being pregnant, I was just getting the flu. I laid in bed for a bit before I got up. I got in the car, and even stopped for breakfast. Guess I was unconsciously slowing down the news - worrying that it wasn't what I expected.

Then my nurse called a little after noon with the news - and I've been excited ever since. But it's like a muted excitement. I've been to this point 2 times before. You all know I'm holding out until my first ultrasound and to see that heartbeat!

All your great comments with support and excitement had me in tears yesterday. I love our community.


amysue said...

The internet was in it's infancy when we were on this journey in the early 90s. It was a lifeline though because I could "talk" to people in the same place we were in and the exchange of info and support made all the difference.

Have a wonderful week and we have to find some time to spin together soon. I'm thinking of getting a second wheel this Spring...not that i am all the proficient with the first one!

Morrisa said...

Congrats! I am soooo happy for you!

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

I know how you feel, I am terrified of my first ultrasound. =/

Everything will be great though! ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

Also, yippee, yahoo, and fan-youknowhwat-tastic!

I've been thinking about you the last couple of days but haven't been able to get myself to bloglines to check on you. Girl, I'm so glad. I'll be thinking about you through this next 2ww (for the u/s), but remember: even given past history, now that you've got a good + beta, the odds are in your favor for a change.


Shauna said...

I am so happy for you.

Tears came to my eyes when I read the words: I am pregnant!

I took a bit of a blog break after IVF failure #1 (and hopefully the last failure). Hopefully IVF #2 will be a trip into babyland. But I'm back blogging and glad to be reading your blog again.

I am wishing you all the best. -Shauna

Geohde said...

Cece, I can't wait for your scan, I'm hoping for great news,


sharah said...
