Today I am 14 weeks pregnant. It's pretty damn awesome.
Last night Aaron and I sat down and watched
The Business of Being Born. Since this whole 'I'm having a baby thing' has started to sink in, I knew I wanted to make a full blown effort at a natural birth. It seems to me that my body was set up to be able to give birth - and I should let it do it's job. Also - I'm somewhat fed up with the high amount of drugs that I've already dealt with just to get pregnant. I'd like to think that my body can do this without medical intervention.
I have a lot of support from friends in this area - I have 2 friends that are
doulas (of course they don't live close). And a college roommate of mine actually had a home birth a few years ago.
Thing I was nervous about in this natural birth quest was twofold. The first was Aaron. Aaron doesn't like to see me in pain. He loves me. And he listens to doctors as though they are gods. Which many of us do - and usually that is the right thing to do. But with birthing - your body, if left to it's own devices, will do the right thing 98% of the time. And in Aaron's family, the last three children born have all been c-sections. So to him, it's 'normal'.
The other thing? I know me. When I was in pre-op for my D&C, there was this woman in the bed next to me who was totally freaking out. Screaming, crying, everything. We had all been there for 11 hours at that point - most of the people who were in pre-op at that point were the elective surgeries that had been postponed for emergencies. I was tired, hungry and sad that I had to be going through all of this. I wasn't freaking out. I just wanted it to be over. But this woman had people rushing to her bedside, and then she got this shot of something - and she went from a completely panicked woman to calm and totally fine. And oh how I wanted a little bit of that medicine.
So anyway. Back to The Business of Being Born. In the beginning of the movie, Aaron was kind of commenting on all the negative comments that the people were making on the medical take on birthing. By the end - he was totally sold on my bodies ability to birth without drugs. It was cool. Aaron is totally on my side with the whole effort for natural birth.
Even though I have Aaron on my side - neither of us have had a baby before. No matter how many books we read or videos we watch - we really won't know what is 'normal' or 'OK'. I want to get the help of a doula to help guide Aaron and I through this birth. Over the next few weeks, we are going to interview a few and see who we click with. I may not have been able to get pregnant without medical intervention, but god damn it - I'm going to bring this baby into the world the old fashioned way!