Monday, March 22, 2010

Rice cereal, how I love you.

I finally tried rice cereal. She HATES it. Hates hates hates it. But I love love love it. While eating she cries and cries and cries. The first night, I did it at 7 PM, and I couldn't get her to take a bottle (surprise, surprise), so it was kind of a failure. Starting Friday night, I did it around 4 - 5 PM, and she would then sleep for a little bit while we got Cam ready for bed and had our own dinner. Then we'd do her bath and give her a bottle, she'd sleep for 4 -5 hours - get another bottle, and then sleep for SEVEN HOURS.

That's right. I said 7 hours.

I feel bad that she cries when I give it to her, but she isn't turning away - it's like she hates having it in her mouth. Each time gets a little better, so I soldier on. 5 minutes of crying is worth it to me if I get 7 hours of sleep.

Have I mentioned that she slept 7 hours in a row?

In other news, I took her to the childcare at the local gym, and she did awesome. I've been working out almost every day this past week and I feel awesome. I'm so excited to be getting my body back (not the SHAPE but at least the control over what I do with it).


mrsarainey said...

the sleep is awesome isn't it?! My son was the same with rice cereal but he loves oatmeal, maybe give that a try?

Calliope said...

yay for sleep!!!!
W was not a fan of rice cereal at all. I think some babies just have more sophisticated pallets ;-)

Christy said...

Woo hoo for seven hours of sleep! Woo hoo for you! Woo hoo for Maggie!

Frieda said...

Rice cereal helps to fill them up, so more sleep for you. Yea!!!!!! I love it when they start the longer sleeps.

Michele said...

Could it be the nipple? Perhaps the flow? We use Dr Brown's and use level 3's for rice cereal and level 4's for barley and oatmeal; havent tried rye yet, so I'm not sure what nipple that would get...