The baby was in a better position - so the tech got all the shots she needed - but this lady wasn't very friendly at all. Whatever! I got to see my little one - and this time he/she was bouncing all around and waving and it was cute. Of course, Not Nice Lady was zooming all around the screen, so we didn't get too look for very long... but it was good to know that they got all the shots they needed.
I'm finally able to say that every once and a while I feel movement that I'm sure is the baby. Like this weekend, I went to a water aerobics class (yep, after posting I wasn't really able to work out that much, I worked out 3 times last week). After I finished, and was in the car - I felt KICKKICKKICK! Usually for workouts I've been walking, using the elliptical or swimming. There was a lot out bouncing in the water aerobics class.... wonder if the baby thought all the bouncing was fun, or annoying!
This weekend, we also got to do our first baby shopping trip. I put Aaron in charge of the baby items that need research - the stroller, car seat and baby monitors. Those are gadgets, and that is his thing. Oh - and also the baby safety stuff. Anyway - we liked all the reviews of the Bugaboo Frog. At first I thought it was crazy pricey, but then learned that it goes from newborn to toddler... so the cost ends up being the same (not needing to buy the newborn 'travel system' and the stroller for the older child). So - we went to the store to try it out (I was nervous about height, as I'm tall and have pushed baby's around in other strollers that SUCKED). It was very nice, and easy to use. And we chose this carseat (in red, not pink!). And the best news is that my father in law will buy it for us!
On Thursday, we are headed to Nantucket to visit Aaron's family. I'm glad I'm showing - because that will be fun. And we'll bring copies of the u/s pictures. I'm teaching a punch needle embroidery class on Friday - but I hope to spend time swimming at the beach! It's supposed to be hot and sticky this weekend - perfect beach weather.
How exciting!
have fun wihthe registry. It was overwhelming at first then became very therapeutic
Beautiful baby! I'm glad the ultrasound went well.
I can see him (yes I said him) and he looks just like you!
have oodles of fun in Nantucket!
Hey you! I'm so happy everything is going well. We're at our house in Brewster for the summer-I don't typically head over to the Nantucket Sound beaches to swim but if I do I'll wave!!!
I assigned P to research gadgets too -- it seemed more up his alley than general product selection.
Have fun this weekend!
Beautiful pic! Smart move researching those gadgets ahead of time. We just went to the store to register, and felt completely overwhelmed looking at all the strollers, car seats, etc and not knowing at all what we needed or wanted.
Sorry you got a cranky sonogropher, but I'm glad that everything looked good.
You sound like us. I always put Adam in charge of researching things too because he cares way more about it than I do.
How fun that you can actually feel your baby kicking and moving around! I can't wait to be at that stage.
Don't you just love the ultrasounds? I only wish we got to have them more frequently. :)
You are practically half-way there! And have fun at the beach this weekend - go swimming!
Beautiful ultrasound pic!
Awww enjoy it..
You must be over the moon!
Enjoy each moment.
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