Monday, September 15, 2008

Good times

Blech. This morning, I had my 1 hour glucose test. Truth be told - the drink wasn't all that bad. But I'm nervous about not passing it. If I don't get a call by Weds, I can assume I passed. How annoying is that? Why don't they just call you either way? But everything else was great - I'm up 2 pounds from last month (puts my total so far at 15 pounds) and the baby was kicking around like a crazy baby, so it took her a while to get the heartbeat. I'm now on the every 2 week schedule for appointments!

I don't know if I told you gals about this - but I have a friend who was very into natural birth. Her first baby, they found out it was breech, and she had to have a c-section. When she got pregnant again, she went to a midwife practice. Her husband was encouraging Aaron and I to do the same. I'm also into natural birth - but Aaron and I decided a hospital close to home was more our style. Anyway - they didn't do an ultrasound to see the baby's position - they just felt her belly. After 40 hours of (unmediated) labor - her husband insisted they transfer to a hospital, where they found out the baby was in full breech position. He was LIVID. Understandably so! Anyway - he's gone from preaching to me about midwives - to insisting I make sure I have an ultrasound at 35 weeks to determine the baby's position. I was planning on asking that today - and no need. We have an ultrasound at 35 weeks to see where the baby is! Cool.

As for other 'life' items. My birthday is on Thursday - and I've pretty much totally forgotten about it! That NEVER HAPPENS. I'm usually all excited on Sept 1st that it's my 'birthday month'. Crazy.

My father is visiting this upcoming weekend. I hate his visits. I dread them. There are loads of reasons. Many are centered around the fact that he really doesn't even know me, so when he is here, it's frustrating to even have a conversation. But he is usually making a comment on how I'm not 'feminine' enough, or my house isn't the way he would want it.... or comments on my weight and/or Aaron's. This coming from am man who easily weighs over 300 pounds and has type 2 diabetes, which he has to control with insulin. AND. He will spend the whole weekend watching TV, and shuffling back and forth to my frig, eating everything in sight.

Crap I'm not looking forward to this. The one bright part is that my stepmother's birthday was last month, and I told her that her present from me would be a massage. So I schedule one for me at the same time. I'm wicked smaht.


bleu said...

Yes very wicked smaht, now you just have to figure a way to keep your father from making you nuts. Ont thought though. This is the one time in life you can easily get away with saying ANYTHING to him, even if it is brutally honest and harsh. You ARE pregnant after all, so maybe you can let him have it if he pulls his usual crap!!

Deborah said...

If you fail the glucose test, they will call you right away to tell you to stop eating sugar and to schedule the 3-hour ASAP. But don't worry if you fail - even though they tell you not to fast, it can still be affected by what you ate that morning. You still have a good chance of passing the 3-hour (you just have to miss a whole morning of work).

George said...

Good luck with your visit with dad/stepmom. Great idea about the message - you sly thing!

HereWeGoAJen said...

I had to wait until my next appointment to find out if I passed my glucose test. And my doctor just said no more ultrasounds for me. Maybe if I keep bugging them, they'll give me one to determine the baby's position.

Chelle said...

Yay birth month! I am convinced that fantastic people are born in Sept. My dad was. :D I hope your b-day is a blast, and hopefully your dad won't be around that day to bring it down. Sorry to hear your dad is such a bummer. I hope the glucose test went well!

Geohde said...

Fingers crossed for you on the GCT. The three hour isn't so bad except for the fasting part. That's awful...


Beautiful Mess said...

I am the same way about my birthday *December 5th btw* I stared a count down September 5th. I drive everyone crazy! Ahhh a massage, nice one! Good luck with your dad, I say give him hell and blame it on your pregnancy hormones ;o) Have a happy birthday!

tapmouse said...

Happy Birthday Month, Cece! Glad to read all is going well with Baby B! I know what you mean about finally 'getting' that you are REALLY pregnant. It took me a while after Att was born to even start realizing I was really a MOM! That was a weird one for me, too!

Hang in there and get through your dad's visit. Don't let him stress you too much. The massage will be wonderful! I think you need to just run out and do fun things with your stepmom and leave your dad to sloth on the couch!

Lucia said...

Hey, your birthday is the same as my dad's! And he is wicked smaht, and also wicked cool, so you must be too. Like I didn't already know that.

Good luck with the visit! You could try smiling sweetly, as though through a cloud of estrogen-induced endorphins, at whatever he says, and replying, "how nice of you to say so." Probably drive him batsh*t in no time.