Monday, August 17, 2009

It's all going according to plan...

First, I had a growth ultrasound this morning, and both girls (yep - still girls) look great. I'm technically 23 weeks, and Baby A is measuring 23w4d and 1 lb 6oz, and Baby B is at 23w3d and 1 lb 5oz. I have some sweet profile pictures - but I'll have to wait to get Aaron to upload them for me.

This weekend, I had this big plan to wake up on Saturday morning, and drive Hulk up to the cabin for the day - Aaron still is working on the basement and it was going to be super hot. So I figured I would go up and spend the day with my mother at the lake. It was perfect! Hulk woke up at about 7, had a bottle and we got in the car, where he slept for the whole ride. We got to the cabin at 10:30, had breakfast, went straight to the lake to play - and it turns out it was field day! They organize a bunch of fun games for kids and a BBQ every summer - the beach was loaded with kids, and there was a bouncy house too. Hulk was FASCINATED by all the activity, and happily played until 3 PM. I then loaded him back in the car, where he passed out until we got home at 5. OF course, I guess I really burned him out, because Sunday, his godmother came to visit, and he took 2 huge naps during the day, so she didn't really get to play with him. But we made progress on wallpaper removal. Wait until you see the fabulous wallpaper we uncovered!

Another thing that is going really well are my plans for what is going to occur when the twins arrive. I was all nervous to have the different discussions with various family members, as much of the stuff I was going to talk about is sensitive in one way or another (i.e I don't want my father coming, I won't let my mother bring her untrained dog, and who knows what drama will be going on with Aaron's mother). I have it all broken up week by week, with the assumption that I go with a scheduled c-section on Nov 30th.
  • Weekend BEFORE the baby comes. My mom arrives and helps gets everything settled - making sure laundry is up to date, there is food in the frig... so when we get home, the house is in good shape.
  • Nov 30th - In hospital for 3 days (or however long it will be with the c-section - need to confirm). Someone in town (godmother or Aaron's Aunt) will stay at our house and take Hulk to daycare. Aaron and I will come home and it will be just us for that first week so we can not worry about guests and/or family drama that first week
  • Dec 7th - Aaron still off work, my mother comes for a few days WITHOUT her dog. (she actually agreed this weekend that is the best idea - that dealing with 3 boxers and 3 babies is a lot of work).
  • Dec 15th - Aaron goes back to work, and my stepmother arrives (possibly for 2 weeks, but maybe 1). She is the most helpful of all the family members. And my father will NOT be coming. I talked to them this weekend! And it was HIS idea, I didn't even need to bring it up!
  • Christmas week - Possibly my MIL comes (god save me - but she is great with babies, we just need to pray for minimal family drama)
  • Final week in Dec - Another of Aaron's aunt arrives.
  • Jan 4th - nanny starts!

Getting most of this nailed down is great news for me. I was very nervous about confronting my mother about her dog, and the potential of having my father here for an extended period with newborns in the house. Those both cleared themselves up... final step is deciding about when my MIL will come. But I like the current plan.


HereWeGoAJen said...

That looks like a wonderful plan! I love having plans, it makes my whole life feel more settled.

Nicky said...

Sounds like a great plan. This probably doesn't actually affect your plan that much, and maybe it varies depending on your doctor and hospital, but I think the norm is to be in the hospital for 4 days, not 3, after a c-section. I had my c-section on a Friday, and I wasn't released until Tuesday. Since you know that you're probably having a c-section, you might want to ask about your hospital's policy on this, so that you know what to expect. (And while you're at it, also ask about what pain relief they send you home with. I wish I'd known my options before my c-section, or I wouldn't have stupidly opted for just taking Advil "when needed.")

SS said...

I am glad that you got all the details together. That has to make you feel SO MUCH better about having 3 under 1! (Is that right??)

Jen said...

My FIL has an untrained boxer. Not fun. High energy and no training are a very bad combo.

K @ ourboxofrain said...

Hooray for plans coming together!

I'm glad the girls are looking good.

Beth Kyle said...

I can't wait to see the vintage wallpaper. :)

Carrie27 said...

As far as how long you have to be at the hospital can depend on a lot of things.

Most say 3/4 days. Well, I got out even sooner. I had the babes on Wednesday and went home Friday. They were going to send me home Saturday, but I just wanted to get home and see A as well as just be home. If you are wanting to go home sooner then they tell you to, make sure to ask.

Beautiful Mess said...

Your plans looks great! I hope everyone follows it and there is no added stress put upon you and your family.