Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Better today

Last night, when Aaron got home from work, I was totally overwhelmed. I was basically hopping up every 30 minutes to feed or change or pump or eat or answer the phone all day. Side note on the phone thing - why is it that people I barely talk to EVER on the phone now are calling me daily? Like my father and my mother in law. AUGH!

Anyway - Aaron took charge - waited on me hand and foot, even put up Christmas lights! We were both in bed by 8 - and the plan for the evening was that I would still get up to pump every 3 hours, but we'd let Hulk sleep until he woke up. The lactation consultant had told me to wake up Hulk every 3 hours to feed, and I think that was what was killing us. Sure - the fact that I was pumping and not getting to actually FED him was there too - but Aaron just wasn't getting why we were waking a sleeping baby ever 3 hours? None of our friends ever heard of that. I thought it was because of the minor jaundice he had - but a friend whose son had SEVERE jaundice didn't even do that. So last night, even though I got up 3 times to pump, Hulk only got up 2 times. Of course. Aaron didn't manage to get any sleep... but we are getting somewhere.

The best thing?!? This morning, I fed him (from the bottle, all breast milk - so at least we have that). I then put him in his shaky seat to sleep while I pumped. I pumped for a few minutes, and he got fussy again - so I picked him up and was patting his back - he nuzzled his way down to my breast! And ate for about 10 minutes!!! I was SO excited. He was already full from the bottle - but it was great progress. I'm pretty happy.


AwkwardMoments said...

excellent! We never woke our sleeping baby either. Great progress

edie & ella said...

That's great news.....see he'll get it!!!
We didn't have to wake our girls just to eat either and they weighed 4.5 pounds and 6 pounds...I would think as long as your pumping your breasts that's the important part to keep your milk supply up......but what do I know.

Brandy said...

The only time I've heard of waking a sleeping baby is if they're preemies or not gaining sufficient weight. Otherwise let them sleep!! LOL.

I'm so glad he nuzzled down and got that extra good mommy time. Yay!

Anonymous said...


Momasita said...

Congrats! That's great news!

K @ ourboxofrain said...

That is awesome news! I hope it's a sign that Hulk will in fact be a boob man :)

Tammy said...

Whoohooo! You go girl!

Jen said...

My take is that Hulk will wake up when he's hungry. It sounds like he's a baby that knows how to chow down so no need to worry about him being underfed! And yay for progress!

bleu said...

I am soooooo happy or you. Baby steps are soooo great!!!!!!

Cathy-Cate said...

Cece: DON'T answer the phone, dammit! Let your husband answer some of the 'just checking in' calls when he gets home. Pumping and bottlefeeding is double the work of either breastfeeding or bottlefeeding, and it's h-a-r-d. I only did it temporarily, when Maddie was very sick; I also pumped before and after she ate, for a while, because she had some feeding problems.

I don't get waking a sleeping baby either. You will need to pump overnight, of course, but if you're pumping when/after he eats, it should be fine. Of course, I'm hoping he'll be getting on the breast here soon, as are you; progress sounds like it's being made, and sounds like your milk is in....Yay!

Hang in there, hon!