Thursday, March 28, 2013

Early Leftovers

  • Pretty much 80% of my comments are spam now. Help?!
  • I'm taking the day off work tomorrow and spending it with my mom prepping for Easter weekend.
  • Although I've been sick for over 2 weeks (lost my voice a week ago, and it still sounds funny) and finally went to the doc yesterday. She gave my antibiotics, so I'll try to lay low tomorrow is hopes of a faster recovery.
  • Tonight I'm hosting a joint Lia Sophia and 31 Gifts party. If anyone is into that stuff, let me know and I can send you the link to order - I know the Lia Sophia deal is buy two things, get the next 4 50% off, and the lowest cost things count for the first 2! Which is how I got roped into buying stuff in the first place.
  • Yesterday, I was trying to do some cleaning to get ready for all the guests coming in the next few days and the septic backed up. Which meant we couldn't run water until it was resolved (which was pretty quickly and without anything leaving the drains, if you know what I mean)
  • I also managed this week to totally clean up the guest room, so my mom has a nice room to stay in.
  • But god save her if she opens the closet, lol.
  • I'm trying desperately to knit up a sweater for Maggie for Easter. She has an adorable sleeveless dress which isn't conducive to the snow in the front yard. I'm actually close to finishing it.
  • Tomorrow I'm planning on sending the kids to school with and Easter Egg lunch - plastic eggs filled with their lunch. I'm perhaps a bit too excited about it.
  • Every single person that my children love is visiting this weekend (except the beloved Suzanne). I haven't told them because it will blow their minds - but my mom, Aaron's mom, our best friend with his family, and most of their friends will be here either for a meal and/or our big Easter Egg hunt on Sunday.
Have a great weekend!


Catwoman73 said...

I'm new at this blogging thing, and have noticed a lot of spam comments as well... I thought it was just something I had to deal with. Maybe someone will have a solution...

Have a really happy Easter! Sounds like you've got a great weekend ahead!

Cathy-Cate said...

We can't have all spam! Death to spam! Cake or spam??

I read your blog all the time, so you are not just talking to the spambots, my dear! Miss you, and love to all.

HereWeGoAJen said...

Move to Wordpress. It has the best spam filter ever.

I want an Easter egg lunch too!

Janet said...

In blogger you can have a security code thingy put in your comment section. It makes people type in the code that is listed in the box in order to comment. Go to your settings, under posts and comments turn on the word verification! This should help a lot!!