Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And we wait

I'll be starting lupron on Thursday... so my mini-wait is over in a bit. I don't know what is going on, but I'm totally tired, but can't sleep at night. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with stressing out about work, but I hate it when this happens. Tonight I'm totally taking some Tylenol PM.

This past weekend, I came to the realization that many of my hobbies, if you didn't know where I live and what I do for a living, would make some people think I was one of those people who want to live off the grid. Top hobby? Knitting. Second? Quilting. Since I've started trying to eat more healthy, I've been baking my own bread and made my first foray into pressure canning yesterday. Sometime this week, my new spinning wheel will arrive (you know, to spin my own yarn?). I've been lobbying for my own chickens for about a year now (I'm thinking I'm never going to sell Aaron on this, but I continue to try).

Would I really WANT to live off the grid? I don't know. I think it would be interesting - like the PBS show where people live like pioneers for months at a time? But I think that I'm more drawn to these hobbies because of the sense to satisfaction it gives. I knit, and in the end, I have a sweater (or blanket or socks or whatever). I spin, and it just is a total relaxation to watch the fiber turn into something. Baking bread, cooking from scratch? Such a great result (most of the time, there have been failures, trust me!) in the end. My job is in technology, where I'll work on something for months, the project will be over, and truthfully, not much tangible is there in the end.

But in all honesty I'm not sure I could give up high speed internet, netflix and cable TV. Or the opportunity to pop out to the store or going out to sushi. Or my peapod delivery! For a vacation, going to a cabin in the woods is perfect. As a total lifestyle, maybe when we retire, but I doubt it. In the meantime, I'll just make Aaron nervous that I'm preparing for the holocaust with my canned goods, yarn supply and home baked breads. I think it keeps him on his toes.


JJ said...

I just read over at Mel's lushary that your cycle was delayed b/c the IVF suite flooded! What a craptastic thing to happen...Im sorry Cece...
I am also sorry I have been absent from your blog-I have had to re-do my entire bloglines-glad to have the reminder to come over to keep you company=)

K @ ourboxofrain said...

I definitely get the appeal of hobbies that produce a satisfying result in the end. I would really like to watch less TV in order to focus more on pursuing those things. We have a cabin on a lake in the middle of nowhere that is sadly too far to go to for the weekend, and I love the time we spend up there, in part because I can leave everything else behind and be without TV, internet, or cell phone. I was horrified to discover this year that my blackberry got signal at the top of the road.

Also, you and my mother-in-law (who is super cool) have the same basic hobbies (and live in the same state), but instead of quilting she raises bees and makes her own honey, soap, candles, and lotions. I benefit greatly from this.

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to can my own produce. I am going to give it a try this spring, once I can get good fruits and veggies locally. Someone asked us what we did last weekend... and my husband said I made beer and Abby was sewing all weekend (oh my)... I guess that is what happens when you do not have kids to keep you busy!

The Beauty Junkie said...

At least you have time for hobbies. I wish that I could sit and sketch for weeks. Keep at it.

Unknown said...

Your hobbies sound so healthy!! I am jealous. I can't think of any hobbies that I have, besides eating, reading trashy mags and watching TV. Hmmm. I better work on that.

Geohde said...

Good luck, Cece. Good thing the delay wasn't too long in the end,


Frieda said...

I hope all goes well this time. I am sure Aaron loves living with you no matter what you do. I have been thinking about spinning but my room is so full of sewing and knitting things I am not sure where I could add one. Have a nice week.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

We sound like we're twins. Josh always jokes about us living off the grid too. Though I gave up the chicken lobby because he put his foot down really firmly a few years ago. But how cool would fresh eggs be?