Monday, November 2, 2009

Victory on Many Fronts...

First victory - I finally got my H1N1 shot. I somehow got screwed over on getting it from my general practitioner... but when I went for my 34 week check up this morning, my OB had just got some in. So, I have my seasonal flu shot, as does Hulk. Hulk still needs the H1n1, and Aaron needs both! But I feel better that at least I finally got totally covered. The twins were looking great on the non-stress test, but my blood pressure is borderline high, so I have to collect my urine for 24 hours. Yuck yuck yuck! I'll survive.

Second victory? My closet is totally organized and clean. I conveniently have a good friend who loves to organize. She has been waiting 5 years for me to give her the green light to attack my closet. We started the weekend with fun (which for us is a trip to an awesome yarn store), and then got down to business. I donated and/or threw away 8 bags of crap. I had jeans in there from the 90's.Anything with tapered legs and or greater than 4 sizes smaller than my pre-pregnancy size were gone. I was brutal. I even got rid of hand knit sweaters and scarves! It's amazing how great it looks. Now I need to keep it that way.

Aaron finished building the castle bookshelf for the twins (just needs to be painted) and did some major yardwork this weekend. I have someone coming up to pick up an extra car seat that I have, and hopefully some baby clothes. If not, they are getting donated tomorrow. This house is going to be totally clutter free by the time these babies arrive! I swear it!


emily said...

Good work! You're so lucky to have it all straightened out. Our house is a mess, and likely to stay that way for quite a while. Jealous!

HereWeGoAJen said...

Ah, decluttering. I want to too!

Wishing 4 One said...

Wow how awesome. I bet that closet feels great everytime you look at it. Sorry for urine collection, but you gotta do it girl. xoxoxoxoxo