Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Random Picture Post

I was noticing that it's been a while since I posted pictures, and we had a photographic weekend - so I thought it'd share a few.

- We finally got to go tubing, and oh my did we have fun. We had originally planned to meet up with two of Cam's buddies and all tube together, but they all had to cancel. So I had the great idea to bring Cam's very best 'big boy' friends (they are 13 and 15) and it was awesome. The tubing was a blast, the boys all had fun, and the weather was great. We went nice and early and were able to have a lot of fun before the crowds got heavy.

- Raspberries are wicked expensive (and honestly not super delicious) this time of year - but Maggie LOVES them. She especially loves putting them on her fingers and eating them off. It cracks me up every time.

- I've been teaching Religious Education at church - and got assigned the pre-school class. Of course, my kids are in this class, so it's kind of silly. Sometimes my two will be the only kids in the class. It frustrates me to be volunteering my time to hang out and teach my OWN kids, but it is what it is. I'm 9 weeks into a 10 week commitment, and I'm somewhat DONE at this point. But. We have been teaching the kids about helping each other and caring for others - and have been doing it through a sweet teddy bear theme. We have the kids bring in their teddy bears, and they have made little blankets for the bears, taken their bears to the doctor, and since Sunday was the last Teddy Bear week - had a little teddy bear picnic party. One of the other girls found a tea set in the classroom, and she and Maggie turned it into a tea party.
Cam and the other little boy were done with the party once the teddy bear graham crackers were done, lol.

- This weekend, we found out that Aaron's uncle had a massive heart attack. This hits me really close to home as this is yet another of Aaron's relatives to have heart issues. I pray that I'm not going down this same path in 20 years. So scary.

I mentioned to the kids that we could make some get well cards to send to him - and Cam said 'I'll make him a beautiful picture! That will make him happy!'. Yet again, a reminder to people to show up when something like this happens. They are in CO, so we obviously can't be there physically, but a card (especially with loads of glitter glue) would make even the grumpiest person crack a smile.
I wrote to Aaron's aunt to let her know they were in our prayers and of course to let us know if there was anything we can do. I'm not calling and texting for updates because I know how stressful that is - but they have a great website set up on caringbridge.org that is letting those of us who are worried to take a look and see how he is doing without being annoying.

1 comment:

HereWeGoAJen said...

Elizabeth does the same thing with raspberries. May I also suggest using them as little hats for grapes?