Monday, October 20, 2008

OB appointment and 'surprise' shower

Again, I almost forgot about my OB appointment this morning. Everything was good - still measuring on track, baby's heartbeat in the 140s and I got to meet one of the docs in the practice that I hadn't seen yet. He was pretty nice. Makes me happy - as you don't really get a choice on delivery day who 'catches' the baby, and so far - I like all the docs in my practice.

This weekend was all about having fun. I was more than a bit burned out from the week, and Aaron insisted that I continue on with all my weekend plans. Saturday I had a BLAST at the Sheep and Wool festival - you can see the fun here. And on Sunday, I had my 'surprise' baby shower. I put surprise in quotes because my mom totally told me about it on Thursday. I had received some cute crib sheets in the mail from my cousin, and I called my mom to talk. I mentioned the sheets from Beth, and she said 'Oh - that is because she can't come on Sunday'. And I said - 'On Sunday?'. You could hear crickets on the other end of the phone line. But another person blurted about it on Friday - so at least she wasn't the only one.

Anyway - all my friends were there, and it was great. For big ticket items, I got my swing and my play station thingie. Yet another benefit of being one of last in my group of friends to get pregnant, is that I have friends with lots of stuff that I can borrow for this baby - like a car seat, baby tub, bottles, bottle liners, pack-n-plays. Sometime this week I'll start asking for those things that were offered up, but I didn't want to take until after the shower. As for the other gifts at the shower?

These are Aaron's favorite - hand made bibs:

She made little bibs with soccer balls, an 'I love my dog' one.... just too sweet for words.

I was starting to stress out that I had minimal clothes in the house for this baby - but those fears are now set aside:

Plenty of long sleeved onsies and adorable outfits - and all will match great with my huge collection of baby booties and sweaters. I did get one hand knit present, and a promise of two others - but none were finished in time for the shower. As a knitter myself, I totally understand that! I'll post those when I see them for real. Oh, and as I type this, I realized that I didn't take a picture of a very sweet car seat blanket one of my friends sewed up for me... I'll dig that back out for a picture later.

Next up? Baby books! One of my pals has 2 sons, and they helped pick out the majority of the books pictured here... but had a lot of trouble wrapping their brains around the fact that we didn't know if it was a girl or a boy:

So, maybe my daughter will love dinosaurs... I know I did when I was a kid!

And finally - super cute toys:

Now I get to start the fun of washing and folding up all these sweet little baby items.... and hopefully the crib arrives soon. I called to see the delivery status a few weeks back, and they had mentioned it should be here at the latest by the end of October. I also ordered that rug I posted about a few weeks back - and that should be here sometime this week. Once the crib and rug are here, I need to get going on decorating the nursery!


Anonymous said...

I was so sorry I couldn't come-way too sick (and now with a virus on top-blech!). I'm glad it (and rhinebeck) were fun!

And happy things continue on schedule-just a few more weeks until we meet Fred/Ethel!

HereWeGoAJen said...

Fabulous! It looks like it was a great shower with lots of love.

bleu said...

Yay for you, lots of adorable stuff!!

tobacco brunette said...

Cute stuff. I'm glad you had a nice weekend after such a rough week.

Becky said...

I hate when people spill the beans and tell me about surprises, but since it was a good thing, your baby shower, i think you were very mature about it.
Love the clothes and all the hand made things, they are gorgeous!
(especially the one about dogs!)