Thursday, November 20, 2008

Seeing Aaron as a Dad

Things are really starting to become real for me that Aaron and I are going to be parents soon. The milk thing. The fact that I'm signing consent forms for the hospital. Filling out the paperwork for the baby's birth certificate. The fact that this weekend, we are able to use our 'complete your registry' coupon at BRU (which you get when you are 2 weeks away from your due date - surreal! And it always seemed so far away!).

The other big change - is Aaron has finally started to act REALLY excited about the baby. I think it a combination of the fact that my due date is really soon, that you can visibly see the baby kicking from the outside, and then fact that things are calming down with my FIL (he is still obviously recovering, but we are settling into a routine now, things are now to some type of 'normal'). The other day, Aaron told me that he had a surprise for me. And brought me down to his workshop and showed me the most beautiful box. He is making a keepsake box for the baby's first year - so we can put things in it to remember that first year. And he was so sweet - he told me that this box was pretty much the last thing that he and his father talked about before he had his stroke... and that this baby is a miracle of modern science - and he wanted to make a really memorable way to store the items from it's first year.

We were both crying.

I've always known that Aaron is going to make a great father. But as we get closer and closer to d-day, he is showing me more and more just how excited he is, his eyes light up when he sees the baby kicking... and all the work he is doing around the house to help get ready for the baby - it all just makes my heart swell.

This is going to be one much loved baby, is all I have to say!


HereWeGoAJen said...

That is just so sweet!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely way to coast towards your due date.

Momasita said...

Aaron's present to you brought tears to my eyes. What an incredibly thoughtful thing to do.

Christy said...

Awwww, your story about the box made ME cry. Seriously. The tears are rolling.

bleu said...

Oh that is just so sweet and got me all teary too. I am so very excited for you two, so very very much so.

Frieda said...

The two of you are going to be great parents of a much loved baby. I can't wait for you to have this baby. Hope y'all have a fun weekend.

amysue said...

Now you have us tearing up too! I am so excite for you both! It's been a long road and you guys have really been so patient (really, you have!). I wonder how the dogs will react! My cousin's dog became basically the secret service when she had her first child and would let no one near her!

nancy said...

That's a really sweet story. :)

Geohde said...
